Human Need, Not Corporate Greed - And Fair Elections Too

Human Need, Not Corporate Greed - And Fair Elections Too

We the People of the United States of America are distressed and outraged that Congress has not adequately met human needs during this COVID-19 pandemic. We are disgusted that big money in our political system has twisted relief bills to provide million-dollar tax breaks to billionaires. We must demand that federal legislation meet human need and not fuel corporate greed. 

We cannot tolerate sweetheart deals for Wall Street and other corporate executives or shareholders. While workers wait endlessly for unemployment checks, refrigerators go empty, and bills pile up. We must win full transparency and accountability for any Federal Reserve Bank ...

We the People of the United States of America are distressed and outraged that Congress has not adequately met human needs during this COVID-19 pandemic. We are disgusted that big money in our political system has twisted relief bills to provide million-dollar tax breaks to billionaires. We must demand that federal legislation meet human need and not fuel corporate greed. 

We cannot tolerate sweetheart deals for Wall Street and other corporate executives or shareholders. While workers wait endlessly for unemployment checks, refrigerators go empty, and bills pile up. We must win full transparency and accountability for any Federal Reserve Bank loans to corporations and any U.S. Treasury funds spent for bailouts. Congress should prioritize maintaining employer-employee relationships.

Congress must build the public health infrastructure to combat the spread of the pandemic, assure that health workers have the equipment and supplies they need, and remove cost barriers to the delivery of health services.

image of Human Need, Not Corporate Greed - And Fair Elections Too

Email Your Senators

Tell your representatives in Congress that the people’s health and economic well-being must be the only consideration now. Too many members of Congress have focused on partisan advantage and serving wealthy donors. Meanwhile, people are out of work, isolated, hungry, homeless, sick, and afraid. Now, we face even worse suffering.

Why does our petition require your address and phone number? Our petition instantly emails your message to your U.S. senators and representative, and Congress requires this information. Many similar petitions merely collect your information for the organization although they may send a list to the Congressperson at some point. We do not share your information with anyone.

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